I Was a Communist for the FBI 1951

Crime Drama Film-Noir Mystery Thriller

In Pittsburgh, PA, an F.B.I. agent works to undermine the Communist party, but his brothers and his teenage boy thinks he's a real Red.

Tutti i titoli
  • US: I Was a Communist for the F.B.I. I Was a Communist for the F.B.I.
  • AU: I Was a Communist for the FBI I Was a Communist for the FBI
  • BR: Fui Comunista para o F.B.I. Fui Comunista para o F.B.I.
  • DK: Jeg var kommunist for FBI Jeg var kommunist for FBI
  • FI: Vakooja Vakooja
  • GR: Ezisa treis zoes Ezisa treis zoes
  • IE: I Was a Communist for the FBI I Was a Communist for the FBI
  • NZ: I Was a Communist for the FBI I Was a Communist for the FBI
  • PY: Fui comunista para el F.B.I. Fui comunista para el F.B.I.
  • PT: Fui Um Comunista Para o FBI Fui Um Comunista Para o FBI
  • RO: Am fost un Comunist in slujba FBI-ului Am fost un Comunist in slujba FBI-ului
  • SE: Jag var kommunistspion Jag var kommunistspion
  • TR: Gizli Ajanlar Gizli Ajanlar
  • UA: I Was a Communist for the FBI I Was a Communist for the FBI
  • US: Ich war FBI Mann M.C. Ich war FBI Mann M.C.
Data di rilascio 05 May 1951
Link IMDb
