Garm Wars: The Last Druid 2014

Action Sci-Fi Thriller

In a world where clone soldiers from three military tribes are locked in a perpetual battle of air, land and technology, one clone is separated from the battle and finds herself on the run with a group of unlikely companions.

Tutti i titoli
  • The Last Druid: Garm Wars
  • DE: Garm Wars - Der letzte Druide Garm Wars - Der letzte Druide
  • IT: Garm Wars - L'ultimo druido Garm Wars - L'ultimo druido
  • JP: Garm Wars Garm Wars
  • RU: Последний друид: Войны гармов Последний друид: Войны гармов
  • TR: Garm Wars: Son Druid Garm Wars: Son Druid
Data di rilascio 02 Oct 2015
Link IMDb
